- Q: What is the the name of the bar at the top of the page?
- A: The Smoothometer.
Every day you are getting better and better
- Q: What is the point of the Smoothometer?
- A: To judge the wrinkle count of your brain.
It’s ok to take a break
- Q: How many levels are there in the Smoothometer?
- A: 65 levels. Starting at Potato, ending at… well, you gotta get there. I’m always tweaking it though, so it might change.
You are taking every day at a time, and that is perfect
- Q: Something is broken, how can I get help?
- Q: How can I talk to you?
- A: Email me.
You are a capable strong human
- Q: So you seriously think someone can max these.
- A: Yes. People are amazing.
You are a beautiful person
- Q: Will you be adding more challenges?
- A: Yes. I’m always working on new challenges. I’m also always tweaking the existing ones. If you have an idea, let me know.
You can take your time and do things at your own pace
- Q: Why did you do this to me
- A: To test you.
It’s ok to fail or be frustrated
- Q: I have a different question?
- A: Email me, I’ll answer it and add it here.